What are you optimizing for?This question can strike as silly to normal people. It doesn’t strike as silly to engineers and people that have an optimization mindset…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
How to recover your Whatsapp chat historyThis is off-topic, but my Whatsapp chat history is an important part of my life and I would hate to lose it. I recently had to restart my…Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
Published inWannabeGronchoHow to deal with Bullshit jobsAmongst the many causes of young-adult angst that is driving the current growth of socialism’s popularity is, a significant one is, in my…Jul 27, 2020Jul 27, 2020
Published inWannabeGronchoCurrency CompetitionThis poast was brought into being after a conversation with a friend about the evergreen question: does issuing money cause inflation? We…May 24, 2020May 24, 2020
Competencia de monedasEste post se originó tras una discusión con un amigo sobre la siempre eterna pregunta: LA EMISION PRODUCE INFLACION?May 22, 2020May 22, 2020
El Capitalismo y la decadencia estéticaHoy me pasó algo curioso discutiendo con un contacto de twitter (@cyberula). Ella estaba argumentando que la industria automotriz estaba…Nov 14, 2019Nov 14, 2019
Mi problema con la descentralizaciónComo buen argentino con ideas libertarias y aversión a las políticas monetarias laxas que soy, cuando aprendí lo que era Bitcoin se me…Jun 6, 2018Jun 6, 2018